Georgia GOP Operative Brandon Phillips Under Fire for DOG ABUSE
Phillips was dismissed years ago by the Trump team for his violent criminal record. Nonetheless, he may be a congressman's chief of staff come November 9th.
Addy Adds | Public Intel Free Press
September 25th, 2022 | The Empire State of the South
Life and Crimes
Editor’s note: This story is part 1 of an investigative series into the life and crimes of Brandon Phillips.
I let a GOP candidate know what Brandon had done. The candidate sent me this text. "Brandon solicited my campaign business; glad I turned him down!" "I just had a feeling he was not a good guy. Glad my instincts kicked in."
After being investigated by his peers for financial fraud and embezzlement, Brandon Phillips, 38, a long-time Republican operative in Georgia, assaulted the service dog of Tifani Hinson Eledge, who had offered a truce with Phillips for the sake of the election hopes of the Georgia GOP.
Phillips was peeved with Eledge because she been asking him about the allegedly illegal diversion of funds from the Georgia Republican Party to the personal Venmo account of Phillips.
At the event, as Eledge was attempting to exit, her path was impeded by Phillips. She attempted to go around him, but Phillips got in between her and Samson.
After being kicked by Phillips, Eledge’s dog, Sampson, incurred a relatively deep stab-like wound to his torso, which left him unable to eat food or exercise for several days. He was kicked so hard he was lifted off the ground, into the air and against the wall. The violence was witnessed by several people at the Albany-based event.
The incident in question happened at a so-called “Faith Leaders Roundtable “ on Tuesday, August 23rd at the Georgia Republican Headquarters in Albany at 102 N Washington Street. The headliner for the event was Walker (R), who was supported by Chris West (R-GA-02).
Phillips had previously diverted money donated to the Georgia GOP to his personal Venmo account, a debt which took over 12 months to repay.
Phillips eventually repaid on his third attempt, via a cashiers check for which he paid via credit card.
Before we get into Philips history, let’s discuss the animal abuse committed by Phillips. Sources have revealed to Public Intel Free Press that the crime was committed at an event hosted by a candidate for the most expensive Senatorial electoral race in the world, Herschel Walker, nominee for the Republican Party of Georgia.
A Georgian who attended an event in Perry, Georgia told Public Intel Free Press that West arrived at the end of a fish fry event, and seemed to be largely ignored by most patrons present at the Peach State fairgrounds.
Who is Brandon Phillips?
Phillips, 38, was a Georgia district-level delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention who voted for Trump. However, his allegiance to Trump was quickly disregarded after his criminal history was revealed.
After he was dismissed as director for Trump’s operations in Georgia for his violent criminal record, he nonetheless remained the GOP Chairman for the 2nd Congressional District.
Tifani Eledge, the owner of the canine victim, spoke with Public Intel Free Press on Sunday.
“He bullied the county chairs into not having a secret ballot and made sure he could see who either voted for him or against him. After the vote to not have a secret ballot, one county left and refused to vote. He only won by three votes,” Eledge said.
“The Venmo that was used instead of going into the 2nd district checking account, Brandon had them directed to his personal business account,” Atlanta Tea Party President Debbie Dooley said.
Brandon Phillips (left) and 12th Congressional District Representative Austin Scott.
Phillips is likely to be the Chief of Staff for Mike Collins if Collins wins the Georgia 10th Congressional District race. Collins defeated the Trump-endorsed Vernon Jones in the May 24th primary.
“All the money that was raised tonight went to Brandon Phillips’ business account.”
The wound caused by the attack on Sampson by Phillips. Had it been a human victim instead of an animal one, a likely charge would have been at the minimum one count of aggravated assault, which is a felony. At the very least it would have been a violent misdemeanor.
Herschel Walker and Brandon Phillips.
“It took him a year to pay it back and it took him three different checks to pay it back, The final check that paid it back was [paid for] via credit card.” Eledge said of the funds misappropriated by Phillips.
Phillips and Gene Maddox.
“Only part of the story I liked,” Phillips tweeted about a story of a police officer avenging a dog.
“Police officers shot and killed the burglary suspect after he fatally stabbed the dog and injured an officer during the struggle.” the picture read.
Despite the fact he was dismissed by the Trump team for his violent criminal past, he maintains a banner on his Twitter profile that includes photos of himself with POTUS 45.
Brandon Phillips with former Georgia Senator Isakson.
Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Mike Pompeo, and Brandon Phillips.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and Brandon Phillips. Noem cheated on her husband with campaign aide, Corey Lewandowski.
Despite being a dog-abuser himself, Phillips has a dog of his own, a German Shepherd called Jerry Lee.
At least he is sitting on a John Deere and not a Case, right?
“His business is in Tallahassee Florida. His business has been benefitting because when the 2nd district needs something he’ll send and say hey can you send a check to Wire Grass Strategies?’ which is his business [in Florida],” a Peach State resident told Public Intel.
Phillips, a Republican, recently bought a copy of Flipped by Atlanta Journal-Constitution mainstay and Democratic National Committee (DNC) shill, Greg Bluestein. Bluestein was recently mocked on Twitter for the book title after it was reported the GOP had extended their lead in pre-Midterm polls.
Even after he we made sure when we set up for the low country bowl last year, we made sure that the ticket sales did not go to his account. However, there was $6,000 of checks that were written out. One of them was to WireGrass Solutions, and the other two were to businesses out in Florida. So if you’re trying to spend money in Georgia, why are you doing this out of Florida?”
Phillips with Donald Trump Jr, and hypergamist Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Brandon Phillips and Herman Cain. Phillips got his start in Georgia politics by working on Cain’s campaign team.

Phillips is revealed to be a supporter of Atlanta Tea Party President Debbie Dooley.
“When I took over as treasurer, I made it very, I was public with it and at the meeting I said I was going to do a detailed treasurer’s report. However, I have been unable to do a detailed treasurer’s report because I cannot find out the information. I have requested the information from Brandon Phillips and Cindy Summerlin several times via text message and email. The last text message that I sent was ‘Can you at least acknowledge that you’re getting my messages, so I know that you’re getting them?’”

Phillips, who obviously has a high regard for his own dog, has no problem committing assault against the dog of someone with whom he has a disagreement.
It wasn’t until I responded to an email [in response to] Jackie Allen [where] it looked like he was saving Brandon’s ass again that I got a response from Brandon,” Eledge said.
In the same text thread that I had been sending him several times requesting this information and requesting for him to at least respond, he responds and says ‘itl ooks like the cleaning lady is mad or retarded, or possibly both,” Eledge relayed.
Cindy Summerlin, 8th Party Chairwoman Bethany Ballard, Ken Carroll and Brandon Phillips. Summerlin has been described as the “partner-in-crime” to Phillips.
“She was essentially asking questions about financial malfeasance involving Brandon and the money the 2nd District was taking in. That’s why he was upset at her,” Dooley asserted.
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Addy Adds is a random guy from Wisconsin. It has some of the coldest winters around.
He is also an independent journalist, author, and best-selling ghostwriter, and he publishes his own investigative reports, articles, and interviews on Substack. Follow Addy on Twitter and GETTR.
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